Filming Releasing Methane!

Follow our journey across the US to document the environmental impacts of onshore and offshore abandoned wells, with a crew which includes environmental advocates and experienced abandoned oil & gas well hunters.

We will meet with legislators, academics, environmentalists and industry workers in order to create the documentary “Releasing Methane” a comprehensive picture of the environmental and regulatory issues surrounding abandoned oil and gas wells and emerging solutions.


Posts from 2020-02-08

A White Paper Summarizing the Stray Gas Incidence & Response Forum

The Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC), with funding support from the U.S. Department of Energy, held the Stray Gas Incidence & Response Forum (the Forum) from July 24-26, 2012 in Cleveland, Ohio. The Forum focused on stray gas in areas where shale gas or other unconventional natural gas is being developed....

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